
TRIVIA NIGHT Every Wednesday!

FREE! Nothing to do on a random Wednesday night? Exercise your brain while you drink bier at TRIVIA NIGHT (after the Stein Club Meeting)!! Bring your smartest friends and earn great prizes for your winning answers. Last week’s first place team won a LITER of Bier from Himmel Haus. Second place winners won .5 Liter of…

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January 7, 2015


Thanks to all who participated! Stay tuned for the date of SUMMER BIER FEST! and details about entry, prizes, and featured teams! And “like” us  on Facebook for regular updates.

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March 25, 2013

Stein Club Rocks!

Himmel Haus Stein Club Has Launched! Our first two meetings have been incredibly productive: We’ve learned some proper German terminology for bier culture, learned the polite way to “Prost”, sung a few bier drinking songs, played a few drinking games, drank a lot of bier, and met a lot of cool people along the way!…

February 24, 2013